4 Major Benefits in Paper Cup Marketing for your Business-Gingercup

Major Benefits in Paper Cup Marketing for your Business

For some people, a cup of coffee isn’t just a beverage. It is a cup that brings a feeling of joy and relaxation. A morning boost of caffeine is a necessary component of our day. Also, it brings a sense of peace that makes one feel that everything is going right.

When so many feelings and emotions are associated with a cup of coffee, why not borrow these feelings for your brand?

By using coffee cups or branded paper cups at your next event, you can create an incredible effect on your potential customers.

Yes, coffee has the power that can be in your hands. Anyone who picks up a cup at your event automatically becomes associated with your brand in some way or the other through paper cup marketing.

Benefits of Paper Cup Marketing

  1. Equate positive feelings with your brand: Every coffee drinker is pretty darn serious about their coffee. When you combine your logo or brand with their coffee, on an impressive branded paper cup, people subconsciously pass on positive feelings onto your brand, as well.
  2. Convey plenty of information: Branded paper cups are a great way to put a lot of information about your company. People who are standing or moving around slowly savouring their favourite cup of coffee often have the time to read it. Whether they’re waiting for the event to start, for the next speaker to go on stage, or are just bored at the event, they tend to stare at these coffee cups. You as a brand, can use this opportunity to:
  • Share your brand’s story
  • Promote the unique offerings of your brand
  • Describe the positive impact your brand has made over a community
  • Share more about why people should consider your brand
  • Share a phone number, email address or link for people who wish to know more.

Image result for audi paper cups

  1. Makes your brand indelible: Everyone appreciates coffee being served at an event. This holds true especially if you’re at a tradeshow, exhibition or event where coffee may not be widely available. The individual offering free coffee to all will be remembered even after the event. In an event where everybody is handing out pamphlets or handouts, your brand may become unique for its paper cup marketing campaign. It’s useful; it’s helpful and most importantly tells so much about your brand.
  2. Brings in interested parties: When a particular table or stall has coffee, people tend to hover around. Research suggests that coffee draws people in, often bringing them back for a second visit before they’re about to leave the event. You’ll not just have a chance to talk to people but also establish relations with them that will lead to sales later.

Mixing coffee with your advertising medium for your next event isn’t just a novelty. It’s a stroke of creativity and marketing genius.

Branded Paper Cups for Promotion

If you are looking for branded paper cups or custom paper cups for your next big event to tell a story about your business, brand, or passion, we at GingerCup, are here to help.

Recently, we conducted something similar for our client, Exide Life Insurance. Branded paper cups will be distributed at the mega event, which has the words ‘Mega celebration with Mahendra Singh Dhoni’. He is the brand ambassador for Exide since 2016.

gingercup campaign for excide

Designing the perfect paper cup marketing strategy for your brand and spreading the word about your business is our passion.

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